
As artists we are always developing. I started this site some years ago to monitor my progress at art classes. Some areas have improved faster than others and I expect this to continue to be an interesting journey. Constructive comments are always welcome. Steve.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lomond Falls (second version)

I've done a little more work at the base of this (see below) Removed a large dark rock which grabbed the eye and introduced some reflections into the pool. Acrylic 12"x16".

Loch Morlich

Loch Morlich in the Cairngorms near Aviemore.

Stalker view

Dilute acrylics work. The view of the castle from Stalker View Cafe, Appin.

Blue Jug Still Life

Acrylic still life. This was done under fluorescent lights which is not ideal.

From the Window

"From the Window" I used oil pastels and a blue gouache wash overlay.


Boxes - pencil work using mutiple vanishing points.
A bitof fun!


Islands is a work in Gouache washes.

Cairngorm mountains

Acrylic. View south-west from the ski lift car park at Cairngorms near Aviemore.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Loch Lomond Falls (1)

Trying to decide if this needs more work.