
As artists we are always developing. I started this site some years ago to monitor my progress at art classes. Some areas have improved faster than others and I expect this to continue to be an interesting journey. Constructive comments are always welcome. Steve.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Some work from my OCA course

Self portrait A2 in ink
Garden scene, A2 marker pens
Town scene A2 marker pens

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Updating things

Getting photos of various pieces I've done over recent months. Hope to post ASAP.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Apologies to regular viewers. The painting is still continuing but ill-health is causing me delays in organising images for the blog. Hope to get things sorted soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feb/March 2011

Various pieces done in recent weeks.

A wee waterfall in the woods of Glen Creran. Acrylic.
Stalker castle, Loch Linnhe
Fruit and flowers. Acrylic
Lower Loch Creran & snowy
 Morvern hills

Thursday, February 17, 2011

River Morriston

Acrylic painting of the river Morriston which flows into Loch Ness. 12"x8"

Pastel practice

Here I'm looking at tones on white objects in front of a black velvet sheet. Pastel on black board.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Charcoal & Chalk

Black charcoal, white chalk and a litltle green & blue coloured charcoal made this picture of water in a jam jar. 12"x12" on paper.

Rocks, Tralee beach

Fascinating sculpted rocks on Tralee beach. Accessible only at low tide this is an evening scene with a low sun off to the left.
Acrylic on board. Approx 14"x12" Jan 2011