
As artists we are always developing. I started this site some years ago to monitor my progress at art classes. Some areas have improved faster than others and I expect this to continue to be an interesting journey. Constructive comments are always welcome. Steve.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two sketches

Sketch overlooking Loch Etive from the Glen Sallach road.

Below - On Loch Lomond near Balloch the rather ugly building that is the Sealife Centre. Its an interesting challenge to draw though.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sketchbook practice

Some recent bits from my sketchbook. These are just intended as practice and memory-aid pieces.

2 minute sketch of lady spinning wool at market.

Bird feeder

Figure photographing loch at Glencoe

Glencoe loch and Pap of Glencoe mountain

Indoor perspectives (I might have posted this previously)

Mother  & chick sparrows

Mother  & chick sparrows 2

Two exercises from book Drawing with te Right Side of the Brain. The idea was to copy drawings from the book but to do them upside down.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Recent sketches

Looking along the beach just after sunset. I liked the sky, much of which is cloud shadows from the set sun.

A rowan tree coming into leaf on the sdie of Loch Etive.

Towards Ben Lora with part of Connel Bridge. Viewed from the seat at the south side of the bridge over the entrance to Loch Etive as a fast tide was ebbing.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Pastel colour exercise

The brief was to produce an A2 sized work using pastels to show the inner detail of fruit or veg.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Freesia and a Sunset

Freesia. 12"x10" Watercolour pencils.

Sunset over Mull from Connel Bridge
Acrylic 16"x12" Composed using knife painting. Based on the same original photo as I used in this earlier version.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Loch Creran monochrome

Acrylic 12"x10" I used monochrome tones blended from yellow, white and little red for this view looking over Loch Creran from the north end of Benderloch.